Flexible ways to work with us

Providing flexible options to suit all clients requirements

Over 30 years experience

Flexible HR Support

Here at Optimal, its up to the Client how much they want to work with us.  We have no desire to lock people into insanely long contracts like many of our competitors.  Nor do we want to tie you into packages that include support that you don’t need.  There are various ways to work with us and we refer to our services as a pick and mix, you choose what services you want and for how long and we will work with you to achieve that.

Genuine end to end support

For some businesses, a retained package provided specific support is just what they need, for others that just doesn’t work and they will prefer to work with us on a pay as you go service, picking and choosing what services they use and when.  Because we can deliver genuine end to end outsourcing support it really does give clients complete flexibility to choose what services suit their business needs at any given time.

We have three standard HR packages, built specifically for clients who want a retained service for a set period.  Each of these packages are priced by the number of employees we would be supporting and give clients a clear outline of what services are included in the package.  The pricing structure is based on a minimum 2 year contract.   We can add in other bespoke services to any of these packages to tailor the requirements to the business needs.

Pay as You Go

For companies who have a one off requirement or a bespoke piece of work then a package may not be the right approach for you.  We support many clients on as ad hoc basis.  Whether it be an Employee Relations issue, a piece of due diligence for an acquisition or drafting Contracts of Employment and Handbooks then just give us a call.  Remember, we are about adding value to your business through the services we provide, not about selling services you don’t need.

HR Essentials

Providing you with full cover on essential HR matters is a priority for our clients.  This package provides you with a bespoke Contract of Employment template based on your business requirements, an employee handbook containing the required business policies and ongoing phone and email support from a fully qualified and commercially astute team of HR professionals.

HR Connected

A popular package for small businesses up to circa 15 employees.  This package provides all the employment documents you will need such as Contracts of Employment, employee handbooks and all relevant policies.  In addition to the telephone and email support our team will provide, you will be allocated a dedicated Key Account Manager who will manage the relationship with you through regular face to face discussions.  We will also provide an a set amount of hours of HR Consultancy support should you require support for any onsite meetings to take notes, draft letters and provide advice and guidance to any employee relations issue.

HR Pro

By far our most popular package for business over 15 employees.  This package provides you with full HR support as if we were your own in-house HR function.  Using our cloud-based HR system we provide you with a fully compliant system to manage your employee information.  We will provide all Contracts of Employment, employee handbooks, policies and other documentation designed specifically for the business.  The system will hold all your employee files, so they are visible to you anytime, anywhere. We will process all your new starters and leavers on the system and other administrative tasks which are required. 

In addition to this, you will be allocated a dedicated Key Account Manager who will provide a set amount of hours onsite support to support your senior management team and your managers to manage employees effectively.  Full telephone and email support for all your managers is also included.

This package also provides a full employee advice line for employees within your business, just as they would use an internal HR team. You will feel like you have your own in-house HR function at a fraction of the cost.

Package Comparison

HR Essential HR Connected HR Pro
Contract of Employment Template Y Y Y
Employee Handbook Y Y Y
HR Policies Y Y Y
Unlimited Telephone Support Y Y Y
Unlimited Email Support Y Y Y
Monthly HR Newsletter Y Y Y
Onsite ER Meeting Support Y Y
Dedicated Account Manager Y Y
Onsite Monthly Review Meetings Y
Employee Advice Line Y
Employee HR Self Serve (booking holidays etc) Y
Starts/Leavers Administration Y
Pre-Employment Checks Y
Leaver Reference Administration Y
Monthly Management Information Y

What our clients say

Meet our team

Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all of their Human Resources and Organisation Design needs.

Melanie Stead

Managing Director & Senior HR & OD Consultant

Helen Murphy

Operations Director & Senior HR Consultant

Alice McEvoy

Senior HR Consultant