Helen joined Optimal in August 2018 bringing with her extensive operational HR experience providing advice and guidance to Managers at all levels, particularly working with Senior Managers and Directors on a full range of complex employment law issues.

Helen also works with HR functions on process improvements, whether that’s through the implementation of HR systems or eliminating non-value add processes.

More about Helen

My hobbies and interests are my family, friends and work! When I’m not at work I’m with my family or friends and vice versa…I don’t have time for anything else and right now I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I love beach holidays…well I say beach holidays, I don’t actually like the sea that much. I like to just like to lounge around poolside, basking in the sun, reading a book, swimming, drinking a refreshing cocktail or two…or three, with my favourite people in the world! My favourite holiday destination has to be when I went to Halkidiki in Greece. I’m such a home bird that usually when I’m on holiday I can’t wait to get home! But when I went to Greece I didn’t want the holiday to end, it was blissful. I also love going to France as I have fond memories of many childhood holidays there.

Firstly, the house would have to be clean! Ideally, I’d like someone to do that for me, but as that isn’t going to happen, I’ll do that myself. I like to get all my “jobs” out of the way and then I can spend the rest of the weekend relaxing with my family wherever that is. Although I do like to have everyone at my house…my mum, dad, sisters and their families all together with my family spending our time talking, laughing, playing games, eating and drinking!

I love pop music, particularly the 90s and early 00s!!! Just trying to relive my youth I think…

No, not unless you count the ants who live in the water meter in my garden. If I were to get a pet though it would be a German Shepherd…called Peter.

There isn’t just one person who has influenced me in my career. I have a really strong work ethic that was influenced by my parents and without that I wouldn’t be where I am now. However, I am influenced everyday by my team to be the best that I can be. I draw strength and motivation from the teams that I work with. You can not underestimate the positive power of a team. No matter the challenge(s) you come up against I think you can deal with anything if you work in a team where everyone supports one another.

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